+1 Currently available in the USA | Coming soon

Each year, 10 million pets go missing in the U.S.

For just $1 a month, we make sure that if your pet gets lost, we’ll be there to answer the call.
Logo of a person
Kathryn B. Star Star Star Star Star
"I rely on it every day." Caret down
Woman holding a phone with a dog.
Logo of a person
Kathryn B. Star Star Star Star Star
"I rely on it every day." Caret down
Woman holding a phone with a dog.

Just 3 easy steps

  1. You give us a list of phone numbers to contact.
  2. We give you a special phone number and a unique ID code.
  3. You put that information on your pets collar.

Silent Bell Never miss a call

If your phone is on silent or out of battery, we’ll make sure one of your contacts gets notified.

Clock Update anytime, anywhere!

Easily change your contact details without remaking tags or updating microchips.

Padlock Privacy built in

Keep your personal contact details private and off public display.
If your pet gets lost, don’t rely on just one phone number.
Make sure you can always be contacted!
- Member Stories -

How much is it?

Just $1 a month per pet
key features
24/7 answering service
Every hour of the day, we take the found call for you so you don't need to worry about missing that important call.
Privacy as standard
Our toll-free number means you don't need to have your personal contact details on display.
Unlimited contacts
Have many different contacts and priority ordering for each of your pets.
Instant notification
When a found call is received, we immediately start notifying each of your pets contacts in turn until one responds.
Secured contact information
Unlike other smart pet tags, none of your listed contacts information is ever publicly accessible over the internet.
A simple phone call
The person that finds your pet doesn't need to have a smartphone with a 5G data connection or understand how to scan a QR Code.
Three methods of identification
Because we don't sell pet tags our service is designed to be used in multiple ways, giving you the freedom to choose what's right for you.
Future features included
As we improve the service and add more contact methods you get them as part of your existing subscription.

Three is the Magic Number

Having more than one way to identify your pet when they are found provides you with greater peace of mind.
Pet Tag
Pet tag
QR Code
QR Code
Click an ID method to find out more.
Protect my pets now!

How it works

FoundCall gives you a special phone number and a unique ID for your pet. If someone finds your pet and calls the number, they enter the ID, and we contact the first person on your list. If they don’t answer, we try the next person, and so on - making sure someone is always notified when your pet is found.

For the best protection, we recommend adding your special phone number and ID to your pet’s collar, microchip, and anything else they carry.

Cat with an ID tag. Add to your pets collar and microchip.
Protect my pets now!

- Painful truths -

Contact details change

The phone numbers on your pet’s collar and microchip today might change in the future. There are many reasons you might need to update them, and most of them are unexpected. FoundCall lets you update your contact info instantly, without the hassle or cost of getting new pet tags every time.

1 in 3 pets go missing

Sadly, 1 in 3 pets will get lost at some point in their life. Around 10 million pets go missing every year in the U.S. FoundCall was created to help lower that number by offering an affordable and reliable way for pet owners to be notified when their furry friends are found.

Outdated microchip information

About 35% of microchipped pets entering U.S. shelters have incorrect information, making it harder for them to be reunited with their owners. With your FoundCall special phone number, you can update your contact details anytime - without having to update your pet’s microchip.

Lost forever

Each year, around 1.5 million pets in the U.S. never make it back home because of missing or outdated information. FoundCall lets you update your contact details anytime, no matter where you are in the world.

Protect your loved things
for just $1 a month

Even if you do not have a pet. You can support the FoundCall mission by using our services for the things you love. Be they phones, laptops, musical instruments or family members. Our technology will make sure someone will be called about your beloved thing.