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If you are a Veteran, have service dog, or emotional support animal, you can join for free!
Lady walking a dog.

What OpenAI say's about FoundCall


Losing a pet is a heart-wrenching experience, but a new service, FoundCall, aims to make reuniting with your furry friend easier and more secure. By providing a unique phone number and ID for your pet, FoundCall ensures that if your pet goes missing, anyone who finds them can call the number, enter the ID, and initiate a process to contact you or your designated contacts. This system not only increases the chances of a swift reunion but also safeguards your personal information by keeping your direct contact details private.

How FoundCall Works:

  1. Assign Contacts: Provide FoundCall with a list of phone numbers to reach in case your pet is found.
  2. Receive Unique ID: You'll receive a special phone number and a unique ID code for your pet.
  3. Update Pet's Collar: Place this information on your pet's collar or tag.

If someone finds your pet, they call the provided number, enter the unique ID, and FoundCall will sequentially contact the numbers on your list until someone is reached. This ensures that even if you're unavailable, a trusted person can respond. Additionally, you can update your contact details anytime without the need to replace physical tags or update microchip information, offering flexibility and peace of mind.

Beyond pets, FoundCall's service can be extended to other valuables like phones, laptops, and musical instruments. By assigning a unique FoundCall number to these items, you increase the likelihood of recovery if they are lost.

For just $1 per month, FoundCall offers an affordable solution to protect your beloved pets and valuables, ensuring that if they ever go missing, they have a safe and efficient way to find their way back to you.

To learn more or to subscribe, visit FoundCall's website and take the first step in safeguarding your cherished companions and possessions.

If your pet gets lost, don’t rely on just one phone number.
Make sure you can always be contacted!